Library Article and Whitepaper Download Whitepaper/Article area of Interest: (At least one article needs to be selected to proceed.) optgrp-Chemical/CompositionFresh Compost Analysis (Updated Quarterly)Substrate Pasteurization in Agricus Mushroom GrowingPlant Nutrients and Fresh Mushroom CompostAgaricus Mushroom Compost TimelineMaximizing Irrigation Effectivenessendoptgrpoptgrp-Organic Certification RequirementsNOP-ORMI Specs 2023Get To Know PCOGuidance Processed Animal Manures in Organic Crop ProductionOrganic Materials Review InstituteUSDA Organic Guidance Articleendoptgrpoptgrp-Application BrochuresCompost Use in VineyardsCREF FactsheetsTURF-Compost Topdressing & Sustainable Lawn CareLandscape BrochurA Practical Guide to the Application of Compost in VineyardsUsing Mushroom Compost to Prevent Artillery FungusApplying Mushroom Compost to Corn CropsApplying Mushroom Compost to Grass Hay FieldsGrowing HopsApplying Mushroom Compost to Landscaping & LawnsEvaluating SMS for Nutrient Management of PumpkinsUse of Mushroom Compost to Suppress Artillery FungiMushroom Compost Gets Second Life Along Roadsides,in Athletic Fields and ParksSpent Mushroom Compost for ViticultureSpent Mushroom Substrate: A Novel Multifunctional Constituent of a Potting Medium for PlantsUsing Spent Mushroom Substrate as a Soil Amendment to Improve TurfSo you want to start a gardenendoptgrpoptgrp-DOTBiocycle Part I – Compost On The Open RoadBiocycle Part II – Compost For Storm Water On The RoadsideBiocycle Part III – Calculating Potential For Compost Use On HighwaysPADEP Watershed RestorationPenn DOT Approval ListSource of Supply-MaterialsPennDOT Bulletin 15 Update 6-2022endoptgrpoptgrp-Soil HealthCarbon farming gets off the groundHealthy Soil RequirementsHealthy Soils are: high in organic matter.Healthy Soils are: well-structured.Soil and Plant LaboratoryLinking Soil Health Indicators to Managementendoptgrpoptgrp-EnvironmentalCompost in Grassland Bird ConservationImpact of the Mushroom Industry on the EnvironmentSoil Carbon Is Food For The SoilCarbon farming gets off the groundMycoremediation Environmental Magazine 2020Environmental, Agricultural and Industrial UsesBiofiltration of gasoline vapor by compost mediaEnvironmental, Agricultural and Industrial UsesMushroom Compost: What is it and how is it usedSpent Mushroom CompostThe Impact of the Mushroom Industry on the EnvironmentA New Use for Mushroom Compost: Bioremediation of Diesel-Contaminated SoilMushroom Compost Feedstock Production on Degraded Mined Land Reclaimed with Spent Mushroom CompostVertical Flow Pond Piping System Design ConsiderationsA Landowner Checklist for Replanting Areas Impacted by Natural Gas DevelopmentA Guide for Organic Materials in Minesoilsendoptgrpoptgrp-Mushroom NewsCompost in Grassland Bird ConservationA Compost ConvoMushroom Compost and Carbon SequestrationGet To Know PCOFate of Weed Seeds During The Mushroom Production CycleThe Re-Use of Spent Compost for Casing SoilUse of Spent Compost as a Casing MaterialThe Advantages & Disadvantages of Re-Using Spent Compost as a Casing SoilSpent Compost as an Alternate Casing MaterialSpent Compost What is it?Rapid Leaching of SaltsSpent Mushroom Compost Traits and UsesA Natural Resource That Provides Solutions To Environmental ProblemsNature and Use of Spent Mushroom SubstrateThe Impact of the Mushroom Industry on the EnvironmentThe Many Uses of Spent Mushroom SubstrateContainer Growing with Spent Mushroom CompostComparison of Spent Mushroom Substrate And Fertilizer As A Nutrient Sources For CornThe Nature, Chemistry & Environmental Impact of Weathering Spent Mushroom Substrate (SMS)Uniformity of Spent Mushroom Substrate (SMS) and Factors In Applying Recommendations for UsageThe Effect of Spent Mushroom Substrate Land Applications On Adjacent Surface Water Using Aquatic Macroinvertebrates as Bio-IndicatorsSpent Mushroom Substrate: A Novel Multifunctional Constituent of a Potting Medium for PlantsProcessing of Spent Mushroom SubstrateA Literature Review of Spent Mushroom Substrate Uses Around the WorldA New Use for Mushroom Compost: Bioremediation of Diesel-Contaminated SoilPlant Nutrients & Fresh Mushroom CompostEvaluating SMS for Nutrient Management of PumpkinsPDA Mushroom Compost Grant ProjectsMushroom Substrate Feedstock Production On Degraded Mined Land Reclaimed with MCendoptgrp First Name: Last Name : Email : 64236